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Showing posts from September, 2017

First Camping Trip

Every year Cheryl and I take a weekend trip down to Delaware Seashore State Park while Zoe stays with Mimi and Joe Pop. This year we decided to take a longer trip and bring Zoe along for her first camping experience. It's a really long drive, and we made a few stops on the way down. One of them was at a cool, UFO-shaped house where we took a couple of pictures. It didn't take long after that stop to arrive at our destination. The weather held out while I set up the tent, which is way bigger than the old one. Once the tent was set up and the mattresses were inflated, we made our way under the bridge over to the beach. It was pretty cold out, and the water was much colder, but we still spent some time walking through waves and collecting shells and stones. That night, before heading to bed, Cheryl and Zoe went to the bathroom to brush their teeth. On the way back they called me over to see 5 baby turtles climbing around just outside the building. Zoe was really ex...