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Showing posts from August, 2012

Little Giggle Button

All this week Zoe has had a head cold. She's been stuffed up, which makes it difficult for her to sleep, both at day care and at home. She is also still transitioning into day care, as this week marks her third (almost) full week there. Even through all of that, she still manages to crack a smile and give a little laugh at the crazy things her father does. Through it all, Zoe continues to be a very good, very happy baby. Cheryl and I are very lucky to have her. Since she's been sick, she's been getting more baths than usual. The other night, after her giggle fit, she kept splashing around in her tub. It looks something like this. She is just the cutest thing ever. I am looking forward to spending a long weekend with my two favorite ladies.

Funny Faces In The Morning

On Friday Zoe didn't sleep so well at day care, so she made up for it that night by sleeping from 8:00pm - 6:00am without interruption. When she woke up in the morning, she kept alternating her facial expressions from sucking in her lip to sticking out her tongue. It was so rediculous that I had to try and get it on camera. We then went for a walk around the park, since she didn't seem like she was going to settle down. When we got back, I thought I'd see if her funny faces were still active. Since she spent a long week at day care, Cheryl decided it would be best that she start the weekend fresh with a nice bath. I had not taken pictures of her in the tub for a while, so I grabbed the camera and took a few shots. Here are some highlights. As always, Zoe's set on Flickr has these and many more. Don't forget to check it out.

Super Baby

This past weekend we were able to take some nice pictures of Zoe around the house, and outside, to mark her 5 month birthday. In some she's dressed like a little lady, in others she's dressed like a comic book character, but in all of them she looks adorable. As always, you can see these and more in Zoe's set on Flickr. In other news, Zoe's start to her second week of daycare went much better than last week. She seems to be adjusting well to her new surroundings. Cheryl and I wish we had more time with her during the week, but that just makes the weekends that much more precious.

5 Months Old

Zoe turned 5 months old today as she went in for her third full day of daycare. She's been adjusting slightly every day since the first. Hopefully by the end of the week she'll be even better. On the car ride home today she was playing with one of her toys. It seemed to appeal to her at first, but then she realized it wasn't food and got upset. Cheryl captured it on video. Well, that's all there is for now. If the weather is nice, hopefully we'll get some good 5 month pictures this weekend.

Annabelle's First Birthday

Yesterday I mentioned to Cheryl that I would really like to try feeding Zoe some "real" food. The main reason for this is that Zoe has been showing more and more interest when Cheryl and I are eating. Even if she wasn't really going to eat anything, I wanted her to see how it's done. So, of course, Cheryl bought some food for her to eat. This morning she mixed up some oatmeal for Zoe, which I attempted to feed her. Most of it went in her mouth and I'm pretty sure all of it came back out. This is what it looked like. Once she was cleaned up, we made our way up to Annabelle's birthday party. It was a wonderful day and we're very grateful to be a part of it. We especially want to thank Annie's parents for opening their doors, and their pool, to us. Everyone seemed to have cameras there, which isn't any excuse, but the only picture we took while we were there was of Zoe and me with George and his son George and John with Annabelle. This was t...

First Time at the Beach

Cheryl, Zoe and I spent this past weekend down in Sea Isle City, NJ with a few friends. We arrived during the day on Friday and, since I was anxious to introduce Zoe to the ocean, we went right to the beach after we unpacked. The water was nice for me, but it was too cold for Zoe. She stood in the sane with the water washing over her feet for a moment, but she didn't like it much. After that, Cheryl and I took turns holding her and letting her soak it all in. We took a lot of nice walks on the beach and Zoe slept really well. She also seemed to enjoy the company of everyone who came down as she was very pleasant all weekend. There wasn't much else to do apart from going to the beach, but Zoe managed to watch a little bit of the Olympics and make her way into the arcade for a bit. The only thing that was disappointing was that the store behind Zoe in this picture didn't sell the I heart boobies in a onesie. I just want to make sure to say thank you again t...