All this week Zoe has had a head cold. She's been stuffed up, which makes it difficult for her to sleep, both at day care and at home. She is also still transitioning into day care, as this week marks her third (almost) full week there. Even through all of that, she still manages to crack a smile and give a little laugh at the crazy things her father does. Through it all, Zoe continues to be a very good, very happy baby. Cheryl and I are very lucky to have her. Since she's been sick, she's been getting more baths than usual. The other night, after her giggle fit, she kept splashing around in her tub. It looks something like this. She is just the cutest thing ever. I am looking forward to spending a long weekend with my two favorite ladies.
Cheryl and Michael decided to have a baby. This is the story of what happened next.