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Showing posts from June, 2012

Sup Cuz?

While I was working today, Cheryl took Zoe up to the burbs to visit her new cousin Harlie. Apparently the two of them just slept most of the time, but for a little while, Zoe was up. During that time, the two cousins were laying on a blanket and Cheryl got some pictures. There are some more of these in Zoe's set on Flickr. I can't wait to see the two of them together!

Fancy Photobooth

This morning I tried to take some pictures of Zoe just lounging in our bed. They didn't turn out so good, so you won't see them here; however, I did finally get a chance to scan all of the photobooth pictures we took recently. There are three sets in two different images. The first image has two sets. The first three are from my birthday down at Seaside and the second three are from a random Saturday at El Vez. The second image contains all strips from Millennium Skate World on Father's Day. You should definitely click the link to Zoe's set on Flickr to see these in a larger format (yes, I'm talking to you John). They're pretty awesome. In fact, I thought some of the individual panels were so good that I cropped them out and made them their own images. You can check them out below. Well, that's all for now. I'll be working for most of the weekend, but Cheryl is supposed to take Zoe to visit her new cousin on Saturday. Hopefully there will ...

Baby Shower

Today the family was headed to George and Amanda's baby shower. Before we even got ready, I was playing with Zoe in bed. She was just sitting on my stomach, staring at her feet and drooling. Here are a few pictures. After play time, we had to get ready to head out. Zoe wore a nice dress, even if it was a little big on her. I took a picture of her in it before we left, then a bunch more of her while we were outside. Take a look and Zoe and Cheryl together. They're so cute! Those two are so gorgeous on their own that they become simply stunning when put together. I just can't get enough. Anyway, if you take a look at all of these, and more, in Zoe's set on Flickr, you can see all of the detail in the drool. It's really quite amazing.

A Few of Her Favorite Things

Zoe has been really attached to her giraffe, who we call Horse, for a while now. Recently she's been showing interest in some new toys. Specifically she's grown fond of her new blue ball, which has little rattles in it, and an owl that jingles. When Cheryl was home with Zoe yesterday, she took some great pictures. Here are just a few of them. This morning Cheryl and Zoe were just laying in bed, minding their own business, when Tinkerbell decided to join them. It was probably the first time that Zoe ever paid any attention to the cat. I took a couple pictures of them together. I'm not sure Tinkerbell is in love with Zoe, but she at lest tolerated her. After that, Cheryl and I wanted to see if Zoe would be interested in watching a movie. We put Finding Nemo on and laid her in her lounger and she watched it for about a half hour. At that time, she was bored and wanted to do something else. As always, Zoe's set on Flickr has all of these pictures and m...

We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Blog With a New Baby

Harlie Elle Shelmet was born on June 19, 2012 at 8lbs. 10ozs and 21 inches long. I was able to drive up to the hospital to see my new niece today. Of course I brought my camera and I took a few pictures. Here are a few. I uploaded all of these pictures, and a few others, to Harlie's set on Flickr. Harlie is a beautiful baby and I'm already jealous that she has more hair than I do. Cheryl can't wait to meet her and we both can't wait to introduce Zoe to her new cousin. Congratulations Joe and Riley for a wonderful new addition to the family.

First Father's Day

I want to thank everyone for their Happy Father's Day wishes this weekend. It was really a great day. So as I mentioned last time, Zoe turned 3 months old. Cheryl and I have been putting together pictures to highlight some of the changes that have happened over the months. Here's the latest one. The family went up to Bensalem to my uncle's house to hang out. My parents and brothers were there. Andy held Zoe for the first time and, as I assumed she would, she spit up all over him. Zoe also got to spend some time with Joe Pop. Here are some pictures. You might notice that in all of these pictures, Zoe is facing away from Joe Pop. That's because every time he would face her, after about 13 seconds, she would start to cry. I wonder if it's the mustache? When we got home, Cheryl insisted to take some pictures of Zoe and I on my first Father's Day. Here's a couple of those. You can find all of these, and more, in Zoe's set on Flickr. One ...

She's on a Roll

This Thursday, while my mom was watching Zoe, she rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time. Apparently she lifted her legs up to her chest, turned a bit and BAM! She was on her stomach. She did this all day for my mom, but when we got home from work, nothing. I guess she was all tired out. Of course, the next day, first thing in the morning, Cheryl lays her down to make sure she still has the gift and up went her legs and over went the baby. It was pretty awesome to see. We tried desperately to get it on video, but she was very camera shy. Luckily, we did manage to catch a couple short clips. With all of the other footage that we took, I felt bag having it kind of go to waste. So, I took some time and put together an action trailer that would lead up to her roll. Enjoy! It was Cheryl's 33rd birthday on Friday and Zoe's 3 month birthday as well. Again, we made our way to a photobooth, this t...

Sunday Bath in the Dining Room

Today was a very lazy day. We didn't do much, but early on Zoe got a bath in the dining room. This was at my request because the light would be much better to get some good pictures. Here are just a few. She really does love that whale tub. As always, Zoe's set has all of these and more.