Cheryl's parents drove up and arrived on Thursday. They're staying until Christmas morning and on Saturday accompanied the three of us up to the mall for some more pictures. Zoe was meeting up with her cousins for Christmas pictures. I prefer to let the pictures speak for themselves.
Extreme cuteness.The next day we were hosting a holiday party for all of Cheryl's family. We were super excited that some many folks were able to make it, especially considering it wasn't a short trip. Zoe got to open some of her first Christmas presents a little early. As we had been told, Zoe found the wrapping paper to be highly entertaining. My job was to make sure that as the presents were open, she didn't just keep tearing the paper into smaller and smaller bits. And that she didn't eat too much of it. I was mostly successful.
Since we hadn't done it yet, Cheryl and I decided to take Zoe's 9 month pictures the following morning. She sits up so well on her own, that taking the picture of her in the chair is relatively easy; however, with the decrease in difficulty of the chair picture, the picture of Zoe laying with her blocks has become almost impossible. Hopefully we'll be able to get it in the next few days.
We then spent the rest of Christmas Eve just hanging around the house. Zoe got to open more presents and eat a little more paper. She seemed to enjoy herself.
It was great that Zoe had the chance to spend so much time with Nana and Poppy. We'll be seeing them again soon in February when we head down to Florida. Tomorrow is Christmas, and Zoe has been very good this year, so I don't doubt that she'll have even more presents to open. As always, Zoe's set on Flickr has all of these pictures, but believe me, there are a lot more there so make sure you click the link to see them all.
Extreme cuteness.The next day we were hosting a holiday party for all of Cheryl's family. We were super excited that some many folks were able to make it, especially considering it wasn't a short trip. Zoe got to open some of her first Christmas presents a little early. As we had been told, Zoe found the wrapping paper to be highly entertaining. My job was to make sure that as the presents were open, she didn't just keep tearing the paper into smaller and smaller bits. And that she didn't eat too much of it. I was mostly successful.
Since we hadn't done it yet, Cheryl and I decided to take Zoe's 9 month pictures the following morning. She sits up so well on her own, that taking the picture of her in the chair is relatively easy; however, with the decrease in difficulty of the chair picture, the picture of Zoe laying with her blocks has become almost impossible. Hopefully we'll be able to get it in the next few days.
We then spent the rest of Christmas Eve just hanging around the house. Zoe got to open more presents and eat a little more paper. She seemed to enjoy herself.
It was great that Zoe had the chance to spend so much time with Nana and Poppy. We'll be seeing them again soon in February when we head down to Florida. Tomorrow is Christmas, and Zoe has been very good this year, so I don't doubt that she'll have even more presents to open. As always, Zoe's set on Flickr has all of these pictures, but believe me, there are a lot more there so make sure you click the link to see them all.
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