There was a lot going on this holiday season, from visits with friends and family to far too many presents for Zoe. Before all of that got started, Zoe and I had some fun using Play-Doh to make some fashion accessories for her princesses. Cheryl took a few pictures of all the fun. After that we had a weekend visit from the Strout's. Ben and Julia are two of Zoe's favorite people, and she was super excited to open gifts with them. Apart from some time with the twins, there were hundreds of cookies made, but they didn't last very long. Following that, Nana and Poppy came up for a visit. While they were here, we made our second foray in to the wonderful world of gingerbread houses. This one wasn't a spooky, but I think more of the building pieces were consumed before they made it on to the house than the last time. Of course there were lots of presents to be had. Seriously... lots of presents. Usually the cat gets some presents too, she even has...
Cheryl and Michael decided to have a baby. This is the story of what happened next.