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Academy of Natural Sciences

The weather had improved throughout the week and by Saturday it was really nice out. After Zoe woke up from her nap, we decided to hop on the trolley and take her to the Academy of Natural Sciences. The first thing we did when we got there was to check out the new dinosaurs.

She was equal parts excited and terrified of the monsters. After the dinosaurs we went up to the third floor where they have an exhibit called Out Side In. Here they have a lot of different hands on areas where kids can play with stuffed animals, touch live animals, there's a little beach area and another area with hands on toys like doctor's equipment. The stethoscope is probably Zoe's favorite and it is quite entertaining to watch her shrug up her shoulders to try and keep it in her ears.

Needless to say she had a great time. Of course, when we ask her to pose for a nice picture of just her and mommy at the end of the visit, we get this.

But I feel like we've come to expect this. After the Academy it was getting close to dinner time. We stopped in to a random pizza place to get an order of fries, also know as fry-fries, to go and went to El Rey for dinner. Zoe was very well behaved and you would think that she was sneaking sips of my margarita with the way she was kissing Cheryl. You can see for yourself, but the one before this was even more aggressive.

They make such a cute couple. Be sure to check out Zoe's ever increasing set on Flickr for more pictures from the Academy.


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