Yesterday I drove to work so that I could pick Zoe up from daycare. When I got there, she was happy to greet me. We gathered her things from the classroom and headed down the hall.
We got about halfway to the front door when she turned to me and said, "Daddy, I have to tell you a bad story about me."
"What happened love bug? Did you do something bad?"
I had no idea what she was talking about, so I turned to listen to her as we stopped in the hall. "Yesterday when mommy picked me up I hid in Miss Sarah's room and mommy was made. She didn't make this face."
At this, Zoe put clenched fists on her hips and grimacing her face into the frowny scowl of her mother. It was eerily spot on. She then relaxed her face and put her arms at her sides.
"She made this face."
Now she did the same thing with her hands, clenching them on her hips, but her face was more of the disapproving Cheryl. What really got me was when she did this, she tilted her head slightly to the side, which is exactly what Cheryl does! It was so amazing I busted out laughing and she started smiling. I congratulated her on her impression and told her she had to show her mother.
She grudging recreated the faces she made in the school, but they weren't nearly as good. Here is angry face followed by disapproving face.
Again, it is amazing how accurate these impressions are at such a young age. This little girl knows her parents well.
We got about halfway to the front door when she turned to me and said, "Daddy, I have to tell you a bad story about me."
"What happened love bug? Did you do something bad?"
I had no idea what she was talking about, so I turned to listen to her as we stopped in the hall. "Yesterday when mommy picked me up I hid in Miss Sarah's room and mommy was made. She didn't make this face."
At this, Zoe put clenched fists on her hips and grimacing her face into the frowny scowl of her mother. It was eerily spot on. She then relaxed her face and put her arms at her sides.
"She made this face."
Now she did the same thing with her hands, clenching them on her hips, but her face was more of the disapproving Cheryl. What really got me was when she did this, she tilted her head slightly to the side, which is exactly what Cheryl does! It was so amazing I busted out laughing and she started smiling. I congratulated her on her impression and told her she had to show her mother.
She grudging recreated the faces she made in the school, but they weren't nearly as good. Here is angry face followed by disapproving face.
Again, it is amazing how accurate these impressions are at such a young age. This little girl knows her parents well.
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