This past weekend the Carusos flew home on Friday. John and Annabelle took a later flight and actually spent Friday evening with us here at casa de Shelreno. It wasn't a long stay, but it is always nice to see my goddaughter. Her and Zoe had fun playing with the grill and then enjoyed a lovely breakfast together the following morning. You can tell they're good friends by the goofy faces they make together.

On Sunday, I packed Zoe up in the car to take a trip up to Langhorne to visit with Mimi and Joe Pop. We went with Mimi to a nearby park. Apart from smacking her head right into the side of a picnic table, she learned to drive some cars. She already seems to have a little road rage.
After that we went back to the house to ice her head... er... I mean, so she could take a nap. She was super tired, but when she woke up she was full of energy. Joe Pop was home and he showed her around the animals in his room, including the dogs. I think she was a little excited to see everything.
We're looking forward to a return visit. When the weekend was over, Cheryl got a couple of pictures of the cat tickling Zoe with her tail. I missed the action, but I can imagine the cute faces Zoe was making.

July is almost over! Where is this year going?
On Sunday, I packed Zoe up in the car to take a trip up to Langhorne to visit with Mimi and Joe Pop. We went with Mimi to a nearby park. Apart from smacking her head right into the side of a picnic table, she learned to drive some cars. She already seems to have a little road rage.
After that we went back to the house to ice her head... er... I mean, so she could take a nap. She was super tired, but when she woke up she was full of energy. Joe Pop was home and he showed her around the animals in his room, including the dogs. I think she was a little excited to see everything.
We're looking forward to a return visit. When the weekend was over, Cheryl got a couple of pictures of the cat tickling Zoe with her tail. I missed the action, but I can imagine the cute faces Zoe was making.
July is almost over! Where is this year going?
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