We rarely take pictures while we're engaged in the activities that we spend most of our time doing. So just like there are very few, if any, pictures of me while I'm at work, there are very few pictures of Zoe while she's at day care. Now I know that there are other considerations, like some other child photobombing the pictures, but apart from that, Cheryl and I never get to see her day to day routine. Well Issac's mom shared some pictures with Cheryl where Issac and Zoe are playing with play dough. Take a look.

There are a few more of them in Zoe's Mobile set on Flickr, so be sure to check them out. Hopefully we'll be able to take more pictures like this. Of course, by we I mean other parents because if Cheryl or I show up at day care, the only thing Zoe wants it to be picked up.
There are a few more of them in Zoe's Mobile set on Flickr, so be sure to check them out. Hopefully we'll be able to take more pictures like this. Of course, by we I mean other parents because if Cheryl or I show up at day care, the only thing Zoe wants it to be picked up.
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