This year marks Zoe's third Thanksgiving and she was super excited to get to go to Mimi's House (that's what she calls it, sorry Joe Pop). Cheryl picked out a super cute dress for her to wear and, surprisingly, she was all to happy to wear it. Before we left the house she did a little modeling for us. Once we got there, Zoe was very excited to see her cousins. Before they got in to everything, we were able to sit them down and snap a couple of pictures in their holiday finery. The faces were pretty amazing. There was a ton of food to eat and, as per her usual, Zoe didn't eat all that much. She picked here and there and certainly had her fill, but she's not a big eater of things like mashed potatoes or turkey. After the meal was done, it was time for dessert, and there were plenty of cupcakes to go around. Zoe really enjoyed hers. Once the cupcakes were consumed and the faces were wiped, it was time to play. The girls all got along very well, but they...
Cheryl and Michael decided to have a baby. This is the story of what happened next.