This weekend Zoe and I took some time and put together a fairly elaborate fort in the playroom. It involved the tunnel coming in under her table, a majority of the couch cushions, a few of the chairs and the sheet from our bed. When we got in there, we tried to read some books, but there just wasn't enough light, so I grabbed the headlamps from downstairs. That helped, but then Zoe got hungry. In the dark of the fort, I was able to get a few pictures, but it doesn't really look like we're having a good time.

Let me assure you, it was fun while it lasted. Granted, it didn't last very long, but at least Zoe's eyes have been opened up to the potential of forts and how fun they can be. Now we just need to make them more elaborate and get properly lighting and we'll be all set.

Let me assure you, it was fun while it lasted. Granted, it didn't last very long, but at least Zoe's eyes have been opened up to the potential of forts and how fun they can be. Now we just need to make them more elaborate and get properly lighting and we'll be all set.
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