The best gift that I could think to get Cheryl for Mother's Day was the gift of sleep. That being the case, I went in to Zoe's room at 7:30am in the morning, turned off her sound machine, opened up the curtain and waited a few minutes for her to wake up. It didn't take long before she was standing in her crib and we were both in the playroom, door closed, TV at a reasonable volume while we ate a little breakfast.
I knew this wouldn't last, so I asked Zoe if she wanted to go for a bike ride. My intention was to ride up to the Art Museum and then down along the river. Unfortunately the Spring Garden bridge was blocked off, so as a change of plans I pedaled us down to Drexel's Main Building where I could get some cash for the Art Star Craft Bazaar we would be going to later. Inside the building Zoe wanted to wander around, holding the money I just withdrew in her hands. We climbed the steps to the fourth floor (I didn't even know there was a fourth floor) and up there found a couch where we could rest and enjoy a snack.

Yes, her shoes are off and yes, it does say no food or drink, but I assure you were were very careful. After this we went back downstairs. I asked her if she had to go to the bathroom. She said no. We loaded back on to the bike and made our way down to the bank of the Schuylkill River. Once here, far from any toilet, Zoe said she had to pee. We picked as secluded a spot as we were going to find where she squatted to relieve herself. After a quick shake, I pointed out the two geese that were swimming in the river. They must have noticed us too because they swam over looking for some food. Luckily Zoe hadn't eaten her breakfast bar, so we broke off pieces and fed the geese.

Once the food was gone Zoe moved on to climbing large rocks. It was then after 10:00am and we had a text from Cheryl that she was awake, so we loaded back on the bike and rode home. After getting showered and dressed we loaded in to the car, making sure to take the stroller, and went to the craft bazaar. The sun was blazing and Zoe was more than a little tired since I woke her up so early, but she did manage to sick her head through one of the signs.

I never said that she looked at the camera, just that her head was where it should be. After some more whining, crying and fussing, she did, eventually, pass out in the stroller.

After that it was a lovely walk through the booths, a tricky transition in to the car and a quick stop for groceries before heading home. Cheryl made a delicious dinner for all three of us and we had some visitors later in the day. Overall it was a very nice, very full day.
I knew this wouldn't last, so I asked Zoe if she wanted to go for a bike ride. My intention was to ride up to the Art Museum and then down along the river. Unfortunately the Spring Garden bridge was blocked off, so as a change of plans I pedaled us down to Drexel's Main Building where I could get some cash for the Art Star Craft Bazaar we would be going to later. Inside the building Zoe wanted to wander around, holding the money I just withdrew in her hands. We climbed the steps to the fourth floor (I didn't even know there was a fourth floor) and up there found a couch where we could rest and enjoy a snack.

Yes, her shoes are off and yes, it does say no food or drink, but I assure you were were very careful. After this we went back downstairs. I asked her if she had to go to the bathroom. She said no. We loaded back on to the bike and made our way down to the bank of the Schuylkill River. Once here, far from any toilet, Zoe said she had to pee. We picked as secluded a spot as we were going to find where she squatted to relieve herself. After a quick shake, I pointed out the two geese that were swimming in the river. They must have noticed us too because they swam over looking for some food. Luckily Zoe hadn't eaten her breakfast bar, so we broke off pieces and fed the geese.

Once the food was gone Zoe moved on to climbing large rocks. It was then after 10:00am and we had a text from Cheryl that she was awake, so we loaded back on the bike and rode home. After getting showered and dressed we loaded in to the car, making sure to take the stroller, and went to the craft bazaar. The sun was blazing and Zoe was more than a little tired since I woke her up so early, but she did manage to sick her head through one of the signs.

I never said that she looked at the camera, just that her head was where it should be. After some more whining, crying and fussing, she did, eventually, pass out in the stroller.

After that it was a lovely walk through the booths, a tricky transition in to the car and a quick stop for groceries before heading home. Cheryl made a delicious dinner for all three of us and we had some visitors later in the day. Overall it was a very nice, very full day.
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