For a while now, Zoe has used several words in rotation. It's hard to say when or what her first word was, but somewhere around 12 months she seemed to be saying "ball" and "cat" regularly. Cat was most likely her first word. At least it was the first word caught on film.
We should probably take a moment here to recall the progression of what she calls us. It started out normally with "mama" and "dada". Then progressed to "mommy," but it took a strange turn before it made its way to "daddy". There were several steps before that one. In no particular order, they were "da-mommy", "dummy" and "bummy". My personal favorite was when she would call me "dadadadadadada", but that didn't last very long. Today we're just mommy and daddy.
Over the past couple of weeks, Zoe has been mimicking words we say, but just this past weekend she seemed to develop a whole set of words. For instance, Zoe uses "ah-tee" for anything that is hot, especially food. This accompanies a little waving of her hand to show that it should not be touched. She seems to finally use "no", especially when asked to try new food. When it comes to food and drink, she can say "apple", "cookie", "water" and "more". Her favorite color must be purple, because whenever asked what color something is, the answer is always "purple". In terms of her toys, she is very fond of her "baby" who she tucks in, unsolicited, every night. Other words from her daily life are "wet", "chalk", "poop" (pronounced pup), "pee pee", "boobies", "hi" and "bye" (both hi and bye are said with drawn out e sounds at the end).
This morning Zoe said her first sentence, "It's stuck". She was rather annoyed at the chalk that has two different colors on one stick. When she attempted to pull them apart, and they wouldn't budge, she said, "It's stuck". She then went on to repeat this with the stubborn soda cans which would not come out of their box.
In regards to names, right now she only now Issac as "I-zee" and Mimi as "Mimi". We're working on Nana, Poppy and Joe Pop, but it's slow going.
UPDATE: There are several words we forgot. In no particular order they are "book", "button/bunny", "bus", "knock" and "bird". If we remember any more that she has been saying, I'll be sure to add those here too.
We should probably take a moment here to recall the progression of what she calls us. It started out normally with "mama" and "dada". Then progressed to "mommy," but it took a strange turn before it made its way to "daddy". There were several steps before that one. In no particular order, they were "da-mommy", "dummy" and "bummy". My personal favorite was when she would call me "dadadadadadada", but that didn't last very long. Today we're just mommy and daddy.
Over the past couple of weeks, Zoe has been mimicking words we say, but just this past weekend she seemed to develop a whole set of words. For instance, Zoe uses "ah-tee" for anything that is hot, especially food. This accompanies a little waving of her hand to show that it should not be touched. She seems to finally use "no", especially when asked to try new food. When it comes to food and drink, she can say "apple", "cookie", "water" and "more". Her favorite color must be purple, because whenever asked what color something is, the answer is always "purple". In terms of her toys, she is very fond of her "baby" who she tucks in, unsolicited, every night. Other words from her daily life are "wet", "chalk", "poop" (pronounced pup), "pee pee", "boobies", "hi" and "bye" (both hi and bye are said with drawn out e sounds at the end).
This morning Zoe said her first sentence, "It's stuck". She was rather annoyed at the chalk that has two different colors on one stick. When she attempted to pull them apart, and they wouldn't budge, she said, "It's stuck". She then went on to repeat this with the stubborn soda cans which would not come out of their box.
In regards to names, right now she only now Issac as "I-zee" and Mimi as "Mimi". We're working on Nana, Poppy and Joe Pop, but it's slow going.
UPDATE: There are several words we forgot. In no particular order they are "book", "button/bunny", "bus", "knock" and "bird". If we remember any more that she has been saying, I'll be sure to add those here too.
She does make a very compelling argument! She should write the next Golden Rollers cheer.