For our last day we had tickets to a Gustav Klimt exhibit titled Atelierdes Lumieres. That's probably missing a number of accent marks, but needless to say, we have never seen anything like this. The hook of this exhibition was that it was held in a giant warehouse sized space that had plain concrete walls and floors. All of the artwork was then projected over the walls and floor of the space while classical music played. This description doesn't come close to capturing it, so hopefully some of these pictures will.

It was so interesting that I kept taking pictures of the floor as it changed from scene to scene.

There were also a few other nooks and crannies in the place, like this spot that was full of mirrors so it looked like you were standing inside infinity.

This also does a poor job of capturing how cool this was, but here's a short video of the start of one of the three exhibits and how it is painted across the space.
Once we left the exhibit we took the Metro out to Buttes Chaumont, which is a large park with another outdoor photobooth. As we made our way in to the park, Zoe saw a small play area. We decided to let her play for a bit while Cheryl ran to a nearby restaurant to pick up some savory crepes. Again Zoe was upset that she couldn't make a friend, so she came back to me because she wanted to know how to ask a slightly older girl, "Will you be my friend?" I couldn't translate that for her, but I did tell her how to say, "Hello," "My name is Zoe," and "Want to play?" At least, I think I did. She came running back half a dozen times to ask how to say it, but eventually she did and her and this girl in the red and white striped shirt started playing.

Eventually the girl wound up playing with some other kids, but I was so proud of Zoe for reaching out to someone whose language she didn't speak to try and have fun. We will definitely do some language prep before our next trip. Cheryl returned with the crepes, which were delicious, and we made our way to the photobooth. Again, it was an outdoor booth, which was interesting to see, and we had a great time taking pictures.

After we finished up in the booth, we descended the infinite stairs of the Metro stop and went down towards the Eiffel Tower. The plan was to take a boat ride up the river. When we arrived, there was a crepe cart on the street, and we convinced Zoe that she should try a sweet crepe. She chose a sugar crepe and, even though it shouldn't have been a surprise, we were somewhat amazed that she ate it.

Once the food was consumed, we made our way to the dock, bought our tickets, and get on the boat. It was a perfect afternoon where the cloud cover kept the sun from being too harsh, but was still bright enough to enjoy the sights.

After the ride, we took a few more pictures before we left. Zoe even took one of us which was pretty great. Oh, and we got some more crepes.

Our time in Paris was coming to an end, but before we left, Cheryl made a quick stop at a store to buy a bunch of snacks for a round of dessert roulette. This is where we have a number of random food items and we eat a bit of each to see which will taste the best. On the table were a couple candies, chips, yogurt, and beer. There were some real stinkers, but there were also some good ones in the mix, too.

The caviar chips and mint yogurts were among the favorites. Those red candies were not very good. You can see the rest of the pictures from the day on Flickr. We had an amazing time in Paris, which sets the bar high for any future trips. Hopefully there will be many more to come.

It was so interesting that I kept taking pictures of the floor as it changed from scene to scene.

There were also a few other nooks and crannies in the place, like this spot that was full of mirrors so it looked like you were standing inside infinity.

This also does a poor job of capturing how cool this was, but here's a short video of the start of one of the three exhibits and how it is painted across the space.
Once we left the exhibit we took the Metro out to Buttes Chaumont, which is a large park with another outdoor photobooth. As we made our way in to the park, Zoe saw a small play area. We decided to let her play for a bit while Cheryl ran to a nearby restaurant to pick up some savory crepes. Again Zoe was upset that she couldn't make a friend, so she came back to me because she wanted to know how to ask a slightly older girl, "Will you be my friend?" I couldn't translate that for her, but I did tell her how to say, "Hello," "My name is Zoe," and "Want to play?" At least, I think I did. She came running back half a dozen times to ask how to say it, but eventually she did and her and this girl in the red and white striped shirt started playing.

Eventually the girl wound up playing with some other kids, but I was so proud of Zoe for reaching out to someone whose language she didn't speak to try and have fun. We will definitely do some language prep before our next trip. Cheryl returned with the crepes, which were delicious, and we made our way to the photobooth. Again, it was an outdoor booth, which was interesting to see, and we had a great time taking pictures.

After we finished up in the booth, we descended the infinite stairs of the Metro stop and went down towards the Eiffel Tower. The plan was to take a boat ride up the river. When we arrived, there was a crepe cart on the street, and we convinced Zoe that she should try a sweet crepe. She chose a sugar crepe and, even though it shouldn't have been a surprise, we were somewhat amazed that she ate it.

Once the food was consumed, we made our way to the dock, bought our tickets, and get on the boat. It was a perfect afternoon where the cloud cover kept the sun from being too harsh, but was still bright enough to enjoy the sights.

After the ride, we took a few more pictures before we left. Zoe even took one of us which was pretty great. Oh, and we got some more crepes.

Our time in Paris was coming to an end, but before we left, Cheryl made a quick stop at a store to buy a bunch of snacks for a round of dessert roulette. This is where we have a number of random food items and we eat a bit of each to see which will taste the best. On the table were a couple candies, chips, yogurt, and beer. There were some real stinkers, but there were also some good ones in the mix, too.

The caviar chips and mint yogurts were among the favorites. Those red candies were not very good. You can see the rest of the pictures from the day on Flickr. We had an amazing time in Paris, which sets the bar high for any future trips. Hopefully there will be many more to come.
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